Freightliner Trucks' Smartplex® Offers Functionality

Freightliner Trucks
Severe Duty Newsletter
"Our SmartPlex Electrical System offers numerous benefits to help integrate the truck and its vocational body for easier upfit, while improving the truck’s functionality. Many programming features, some at little or no cost, are available to enhance safety and reduce maintenance costs." — Joye Whitlow, medium duty market segment manager for Freightliner Trucks.

Freightliner Trucks introduced its proprietary SmartPlex® Electrical System on its vocational trucks in 2011 to make the upfit process for truck equipment manufacturers more efficient and reliable. And Freightliner has continued to build on the SmartPlex platform by adding features that enhance safety and help reduce the Real Cost of Ownership for work truck owners.

"Our SmartPlex Electrical System offers numerous benefits to help integrate the truck and its vocational body for easier upfit, while improving the truck's functionality. Many programming features, some at little or no cost, are available to enhance safety and reduce maintenance costs," said Joye Whitlow, medium duty market segment manager for Freightliner Trucks. Three popular options are explained below.

Headlights on when wipers are on (Option #311-019): In many states, having a truck’s headlights on when wipers are on is required. This simple programming feature will automatically activate headlights whenever the driver turns on the windshield wipers. Since rain and road spray often decrease vehicle visibility, having headlights on can help others to see the truck as it moves down the road.

Horn alarm with door open if park brake not applied (Option #275-061): In many vocations, the driver climbs in and out of the cab several times during a shift to make deliveries or while at a job site. Engaging the parking brake is an important safety step that can avoid a dangerous roll-off situation. This SmartPlex feature will alert the driver by intermittently sounding the horn if the driver opens the door to leave the cab without first setting the parking brake.

Wipers default to lowest intermittent setting when in park (Option #660-025): When a vocational truck is parked waiting to make a delivery during inclement weather, wiper speeds can be reduced from what is typically needed when the truck is moving down the highway. This SmartPlex parameter automatically reduces the wiper speed when the vehicle is placed in park, reducing the need for the driver to remember to manually reset the controls. This change to a lower speed not only reduces wear and tear on the wiper blades, it helps reduce component stress on the wiper linkage and electric wiper motor. This helps to reduce maintenance costs over the life of the truck.

Your Freightliner Trucks dealer can provide detailed assistance with SmartPlex features and benefits. Be sure to ask about SmartPlex when spec’ing your new truck.

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