4 Expectations You Should Have at Your Truck Dealership Visit

Freightliner Trucks

Purchasing a new semi-truck can be an overwhelming experience. However, knowing what to expect when visiting your local new semi-truck dealership can make the experience a seamless one. Just like in any other partnership, setting expectations is the best way to set the foundation for success. When visiting a truck dealership to purchase a new semi-truck, there are four expectations that potential customers should have:

  1. Have your questions answered
  2. Test drive trucks that are available (link to test drive)
  3. Talk about financing (link to financing)
  4. Expert spec’ing

1. Have you questions answered

When you visit a new semi-truck dealerships there will definitely be an opportunity to sit down with a Sales Manager to get answers to all of your questions. If the Sales Manager does not have an answer for you during your visit, they can take your question and do additional research in order to follow up with the correct answer.

To get the most out of your truck dealership visit, it is a good idea to come with some questions prepared in advance. Unsure of what to ask? Check out our post about what questions to ask at truck dealerships.

2. Test drive trucks that are available

You should have the opportunity to test-drive the trucks that are available when you visit a new semi-truck dealership. Freightliner Trucks dealerships have a variety of trucks on the lot at any given time, however they may not have the exact truck you are looking for. This usually occurs when purchasing a vocational truck, which is very specific on the customer’s needs. To know which trucks are available to test drive, call your local Freightliner truck dealership in advance. Your dealership will let you know what models they have in stock, and if they do not have what you are looking for they can give you additional options.

3. Talk about financing

When purchasing a new semi-truck, financing is a topic that is bound to arise. Be prepared for this conversation by visiting the Financing page on Freightlinertruck.com before your truck dealership visit. There you will find resources like our Payment Calculator and more.

4.  Expert spec’ing

Spec’ing a truck is probably the most complex aspect of the truck purchasing process. You can expect your truck dealer to spend a lot of time spec’ing the truck to make sure you are purchasing a truck that is going to meet all of your business needs.

If you have these four expectations in mind when you walk into a Freightliner dealership, you will not be disappointed. Are you ready to talk to a Freightliner dealer? Contact a dealer here.

Two people shaking hands in front of red Freightliner at semi-truck dealership